Color Hill 1
Blue Atlas Cedar
Blue Spire Russian Sage
Red Yucca
Dwarf Globe Blue Spruce
Mountain Flame Hummingbird Trumpet
Blue Atlas Cedar

Common name:Blue Atlas Cedar
Botanical name:Cedrus atlantica 'Glauca'

As a large, slow-growing conifer, Blue Atlas Cedar requires ample room for growth. It has a broad, pyramidal form and is an eye-catching specimen for a large landscape. It's needles are 1 inch long, and are a beautiful shade of silvery blue. In order to develop its best color, the tree needs to be exposed to full sun. It can reach up to 40 to 60 feet tall and up to 30 feet wide. There is also a weeping form, Cedrus atlantica 'Glauca Pendula.' Cedars have lovely cones, emerging bluish when young and aging a reddish brown.

Blue Spire Russian Sage

Common name:Blue Spire Russian Sage
Botanical name:Perovskia 'Blue Spire'

'Blue Spire' is a selection of perovskia that grows about 3 to 4 feet tall and 2 to 3 feet wide (though it will grow larger if over-watered). New wood is white and fuzzy; leaves are a soft green to grey-green and finely cut, giving it an airy appearance. Flower spires of fuzzy, lavender blue flowers begin in June and continue through the summer months. Useful in the perennial or shrub border, with ornamental grasses, and as a cut flower.

Red Yucca

Common name:Red Yucca
Botanical name:Hesperaloe parviflora

This spectacular succulent grows to 3 to 4 feet tall and wide. Blue green leaves are strap-like, leathery, long, with white fraying fibers on the edges. During the summer, dark pink flowers are seen on arching, red stalks, and reach up to 6 feet. Hummingbirds love these flowers. This evergreen plant is drought tolerant once it's established but will appreciate extra water during the summer to promote blooms. Plant in full sun or light shade, with well draining soil. Deer like the foliage.

Dwarf Globe Blue Spruce

Common name:Dwarf Globe Blue Spruce
Botanical name:Picea pungens 'Globosa'

Globe-shaped evergreen shrub is is flat-topped, densely branched, and dwarf, making it a nice evergreen for small spaces or in a mixed border. Bright blue needles hold their color all year ut are brighter in summer. Full sun to light shade. Slow grower to 3 to 5 feet tall and 5 to 6 feet wide.


Common name:Fernbush
Botanical name:Chamaebatiaria millefolium

Fernbush is a wonderful Utah native, well suited to urban life. It has an upright, rounded form, growing about 3 to 5 feet tall. Bright green foliage emerges in the spring, and as the name suggests, has a fern-like appearance. foliage has a lemony-pine scent when bruised. Mid-summer sees clusters of white flowers appearing at the ends of branches. Bark is red and shreddy. Though not typically evergreen in our region, it holds its foliage late into the autumn. Use in the shrub or foundation border, as an informal hedge, or near the veggie garden as a pollinator-attractor.

Mountain Flame Hummingbird Trumpet

Common name:Mountain Flame Hummingbird Trumpet
Botanical name:Zauschneria garrettii 'Mountain Flame'

Another Z. garrettii cultivar, 'Mountain Flame' has the same brilliant orange to scarlet trumpets mid-to-late summer, and dense, light green leaves. It is taller than 'Orange Carpet,' growing about 18 inches tall and 18 to 24 inches wide. It blooms earlier than Z. arizonica. A wonderful addition to the perennial border, or along the edge of a sunny shrub or foundation border. Attracts hummingbirds.

Designer: Xeriscape Design

Color Hill 1

Photographer: GardenSoft

Water Saving Tip:

Change spray sprinklers to low-flow bubbler or drip systems. Shrubs and trees are ideal candidates for this type of irrigation because the water is applied directly to the root zones.